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Writer's pictureInes Curin

Don't Date Your Content!

It doesn't end well....

Dating your content doesn't involve Netflix and chill. No, "dated content" is what happens when your writing is littered with words, phrases, dates or references that 'date stamp' the content, or create confusion around timelines.

And as the clock turns, those date stamps become a risk to your content looking careless, redundant or *gasp* IRRELEVANT.

In all written communication, one of the factors we consider is the writing's lifetime. Is it designed to be read once for a singular purpose? A short period of time to cover a temporary event/topic? Or is there a semi-permanence to it.... meant to be referred to regularly and for longer than two years, for example. A website would fall in to this category and is primarily why I write this piece.

The trick is in recognising the words that could 'date' or confuse the dates in your content, and replace them with language that stands the test of time.

To illustrate my point, here are a few hypothetical examples to consider:

1. Time relative terms

Words like 'recent', 'new', 'just in', 'this year', 'next year'

Example: "Welcome to our new website! " Felicia, it's been three years.

Try: Welcome to Felicia's Consulting!

When you are referring to a specific time in your writing, use the date rather than tensile language that doesn't work in the long term.

Example: "When our business went online last year..." Which was 2019.

Try: "In 2019, we took our business online".

2. Time-relative adverbs

Example: "We recently welcomed Sonja to our team as a Sales Consultant". She's been there two years. How long do you leave that welcome mat out for? (If I'm looking for an experienced member of your team, I won't be calling Sonja).

Try: "Sonja is our Sales Consultant who brings a wealth of experience in..."

3. Historical references

Example: "This Global Financial Crisis has highlighted the importance of looking after your nest egg." Written in 2011. As luck (or not-so-much-luck) would have it, we are facing another GFC due to the Covid19 pandemic. But you get my drift.

Try: "Don't wait for the next financial crisis to ensure your nest egg is secure."

4. Pop-culture references

Example: "Get your 'Gangnam Style' on with our workout gear!" Does it shock you that this 'recent' song was released in 2012? Gah!

A creative alternative: "Workout gear for your Top40 moves".

5. Technological references

Just avoid it - unless your point is to highlight their assignment to history, because technology moves so fast it's redundant in 5 minutes! I'll just leave these here...


Blackberry Phones



3D TV's

Self-driving trucks.

Writing that stands the test of time is a smart life-hack. It means less content maintenance, and your writing will continue to stay relevant.

If you need a competent content writer for the right time, right place... hit me up. or 021353679.

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