Rather than talking about being naked I am talking about the principles to connect at our best in relationships.
These connections might be intimate relationships or with stakeholders, suppliers, employees or family & friends.
I consider myself a life-long learner in relationships. From being the eldest child in a family of five I learnt the in's and outs of responsibility, feeling loved, arguments, standing my ground and being afraid of being hurt.
I have learnt about relationships in my life in business, leading teams of leaders and large numbers of people for many years and though my family, friends and travel.
The most challenging relationships give us amazing lessons in who we are. We can evolve to choose our reaction to any words and actions of others.
Take a few moments and write your answers down to the questions and concepts raised in this graphic.
If you would like me to do a video in the GTB membership private membership space I'm happy to do that to explain a little more about the concepts.
