Ines Curin

Mar 282 min

Effective Selling: Revolutionise Your Sales Approach with Kate Wright

This workshop isn't just about learning; it's a chance to transform your sales approach. With Kate's guidance, you'll learn to close deals with genuine confidence and authenticity. It's a shift from merely selling to truly serving.

In "Effective Selling: Revolutionise Your Sales Approach with Kate Wright," we explore this critical mindset change. It's essential for building deeper connections with clients and understanding their needs. Through Kate's insights, you'll discover that effective selling is about more than just transactions; it's about creating value and making meaningful impacts.

Hello, everyone! I'm Ines Curin, founder of Girls Talk Business. One of my greatest passions is bringing together exceptional speakers to share their insights with us here at Girls Talk Business. I believe in empowering voices that can teach us, allowing us to grow together. I relish the chance to speak with women in business who have valuable knowledge to impart and create impact. And today I had the incredible opportunity to catch up with Kate Wright, the powerhouse behind Generate with Kate. And all I can say is, wow!

This recorded workshop is packed with knowledge that Kate has accumulated over her impressive career.

The Heart of the Workshop: The Spin Formula

Kate Wright, a seasoned professional in the corporate world and sales introduces us to one of her most effective techniques - The Spin Formula. This method isn't just a theory; it's a practice honed over years of real-world experience. It revolves around four critical principles:

Short Clip:

For more insights and strategies, check out the full recording below.

  • Situation: Understanding the context in which your clients or prospects operate—Who, What, Why, Where—to tailor your approach.

  • Problem: Identifying the specific challenges they face.

  • Implication: Illustrate the consequences of not addressing these issues.

  • Needs Payoff: Highlighting the benefits and value of finding a solution with your services/product.

For Kate, the Spin Formula has enabled her to secure clients more authentically and effectively than ever before.

Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to learn from Kate Wright. By leveraging the Spin Formula, you can revolutionise your sales approach, building genuine success on a foundation of authenticity and confidence.

Watch the recording now and take your first step towards changing the game in your sales career.

Full Recording:

Please note: The recording includes some explicit language.


Kate Wright MBA

Business Growth Advisor / GENERATE with Kate
